I like Creatine, however, I feel that most companies dangerously overload their products with too much Creatine. Creatine is just 3 amino acids, but the quantity that they are delivered in in most, if not all, powders is in my opinion ridiculous. My brand of choice is GNC's Creatine that comes 200 servings to a container with nothing added to it. I take this maybe 3-4 times a week if I remember to do so with water. Be cautious with Creatine especially as it warms up. I've seen arguments for both sides of Creatine's hazards and benefits, I say better safe than sorry.
For recovery I recommend ZMA and Potassium right before bedtime. Find a Potassium product that is low in Potassium, it is easy to have too much in your system. This is another one you may want to not take all of the time.
Fish Oil is the only supplement I will hands down recommend on any day that ends in "y". Stick with Carlson's or the Zone Diet brand. I find those two to have the best quality and taste.
An extra dumbbell makes the Side Press even harder and more effective.
Farmer's Walk
Box Squat
Rest 5 minutes then
AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 Power Snatches (Men use 95#/Women use 63#)
10 Double Unders
15 Squats
Post loads and rounds completed to comments.