Sunday, May 23, 2010

Training With Atlas

The first of our stones has been poured and is drying at this moment. I've had a few concerns about how are we going to train with them with no platform to place them on. Here's your answer. The stones may not turn out t be exactly perfect, luckily for us though, Newtonian Physics still apply.

Also, if anyone knows where we can get anvils from I would be indebted to you.

Hand Jumps

Max Effort Front Squats

Rest 5 minutes then
3 Rounds for time
10 Hang Power Cleans (Men use 155#/Women use 103#)
15 Elevated Ring Push Ups (Men use 18"/Women use 12")

Post loads and times to comments


  1. FS 265# PR from 260. Failed at 275#. A little disappointed at that weight, but it's a PR and I am getting stronger from the last few months.

    4:30 as Rx'ed

    Just moved the stone in before the rain. That is the heaviest thing I have moved in my entire life!!!

  2. FS 133# PR oh yeah!!!
    73# Hang power cleans/15 full (ugly) ring push ups/no height 10:28

  3. FS 205# - Big PR! I still have plenty left in me also..

    7:09 with 135# cleans. Lost grip on last round, that really slowed me down.
