Arete (Greek:
ἀρετή; pronounced
/ˈærəteɪ/ in English), in its basic sense, means
excellence, or
virtue of any kind. In its earliest appearance in
Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential. Arete in ancient Greek culture was courage and strength in the face of adversity and it was to what all people aspired.
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4,600 total pounds moved
Conditioning Rope
M.E. Snatch
Rest 5 minutes then
Tabata Front Squats (Men use 95#/Women use 63#)
Score is total number of reps completed
Post loads and times to comments
115# Snatch. Pulling under it was not working for me. Everything else was fine.
ReplyDelete75 reps as Rx'ed
ME Snatch 95#. I couldn't get under it, either.
ReplyDelete69 reps as Rx'ed