Sunday, June 6, 2010

Box Squats, A Love Affair.

Box Squatting

By: Louie Simmons

Box squatting is the most effective method to produce a first-rate squat. This is, in my opinion, the safest way to squat because you don't use as much weight as you would with a regular squat.

Let me say first that, no, they won't hurt your spine, you don't use1000 lbs. on a 25 inch tall box, you don't rock on the box, you don't touch and go, and there is no need to do regular power squats before a meet. No knee wraps are worn nor are the straps of the suit pulled up.

By doing sets of 2 reps for at least 8 sets with short rest periods, you will get about a 200 lb. carryover to your regular squat. Two of our lifters finished their lifting cycle before a meet with 8 sets of 2 reps with 505 lbs. off a slightly below parallel box, and both squatted 700 for a meet PR One was competing in the 242s and the other as a 275. Two years before, in his first meet, our 275 pounder squatted 465 - quite an improvement!

Read the rest here. Taken from Louie Simmons' Westside Barbell training articles.

Our resident ballerina

M.E. Clean

Rest 5 minutes then
5 Minute Snatch Test
Men use 24k/Women use 16k
The goal is 100 repetitions

Post loads and reps completed to comments.

Release your inner Chi


  1. 225# Clean. PR by 10# and a 20# increase from last time

    97 snatches as Rx'ed. PR by 8. I haven't snatched any in three weeks because of a ripped callus so I'm damn glad about that PR.

  2. 185# clean, failed two attempts. I think that is tied for my PR, I did not see my comment last time we did this, but I know I posted.

    100 snatches at 16k in 4 minutes, forearms still bruised from improper technique last time we KB snatched, need to work on form.
