Louie Simmons
Have you ever thought that ideas should be reversed? What if we
were born with the wisdom and the reasoning of a 65-year-old? We
would make more right decisions and possibly stay out of trouble and
make the most of our time while were young. Then as we get older,
we could start thrill-chasing and taking chances that instinctively we
would never consider. This of course would lead us to live by the
code of the poet Dylan Thomas, Do not go gentle into that good
night, old age should burn and rage at close of day; rage, rage
against the dying of the light (1940). I try to live as Dylan Thomas put
into words, and yes, I have the scars to prove it. But of course we can
never live our lives in reverse.
There are a few that have read the exploits of a person who has been
said to have made great progress doing lets say eccentrics. But were
there other factors involved in their training? I have read several
articles by sports experts around the globe, yet none have conclusive
evidence that eccentrics work. Mel Siff in Supertraining explains
eccentrics as action in which the proximal and distal muscle
attachments move away from one another. Eccentric work uses
significantly less energy than concentric work. When doing slow
eccentrics with large loads, there is no reason to associate these
advantages with the possibility of developing the ability to move
quickly and powerfully in concentric work. Lowering weights slowly
builds larger muscles for body building but will not assist concentric
Read the rest of this article here
Farmer's Walk
Weighted Pull Ups
3 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans (Men use 155#/Women use 103#)
10 Push Presses (Use Same Bar)
Bear Crawl
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