Sunday, April 4, 2010

Atlas Stones

So, while the buckets are fun, they did not turn out exactly the way I predicted. They will still serve a purpose. I was lucky enough to have a friend send me a link on how to make my own molds for Atlas Stones and over the next few months will work on making those and then the stones. Not to mention we need to find space for them.

Box Hurdles

Overhead Squats

30 Muscle Ups for time

Post times to comments


  1. Wow, those must be heavy as shit if that beast is having trouble putting them on the shelf.

    I gave myself a little homework:
    4 rounds
    250m run
    10 thrusters with 45# bar
    10 burpees
    10 double unders
    10 sits ups (to catch my breath)

    25:46, it took me forever to get 10 actual double unders for each set, they are getting there though.

  2. Max Pullups - 40 (PR)

    AMRAP 10

    5 Squat Cleans 95#
    5 Push Press 95#
    20 Walking Lunges

    6 Rounds
