Sunday, April 11, 2010

Calculus Lesson

Accepting that numbers can do strange, new things is one of the toughest parts of math:

  • There’s numbers between the numbers we count with? (Yes — decimals)
  • There’s a number for nothing at all? (Sure — zero)
  • The number line is two dimensional? (You bet — imaginary numbers)

Calculus is a beautiful subject, but challenges some long-held assumptions:

  • Numbers don’t have to be perfectly accurate?
  • Numbers aren’t all the same size (i.e. 1 times some number)?

Today’s post introduces a new way to think about accuracy and infinitely small numbers. This is not a rigorous course on analysis — it’s my way of grappling with the ideas behind Calculus.

Read the rest here


Bottoms Up Press with 24 kilos. Just look at that focus!

400m Med Ball Run and Bar Jumps

Squat Clean

Rest 5 minutes then
3 Rounds for time
10 Man Makers (Men use 24kg/Women use 16kg)
15 Tire Flips

Post loads and times to comments.


  1. 400 med ball run 1:22

    Squat clean 185x1, PR by 30#!!! I didn't get real deep on the last one, but the whole movement just felt a lot smoother than previous tries.


  2. Nice work on that Clean!!

    Run in 1:24

    11 something as Rx'ed. I can't believe we both forgot our times!
