Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Box Squats

Weighted Box Jumps

Box Squat 5x3 3x3

Rest 5 Minutes then

3 Rounds
10 L-Sit Pull Ups
15 Clapping Push Ups
20 Double Unders

Post loads and times to comments


  1. Box Squats 185x5 and 195x3 each for 3 sets with 4 pairs of chains. Damn that was heavy.

    Forgot to do the weighted box jumps so I did those when I was done squatting; 20 jumps with 40# to a 24" box.

    4:52 as Rx'ed

  2. Box Squats 135 x 5 and 145 x 3 with chains

    I think I did the metcon in 6:19?
